Thursday, January 03, 2008

Insanity prevails!

Yup that's right.
It's official! I am insane!!!
I just joined another book list for 2008.
What's the worst that can happen??? I don't finish the list!?!?!?
Just think of all the fun I will have trying.


~ align the author's last name or the title of a book (excluding "the", "a", etc.) with its corresponding letter in the alphabet

~ enter a different book for each author and title (total of 52 books)

~ complete the alphabet lists anyway that suits your fancy
(i.e.: complete each list separately in alphabetical order, read both "A" entries, then "B" entries, fit whatever you're reading into either list, etc.)

~ complete the challenge in the year 2008

~ enjoy the experience!


Joy said...

Welcome to the A ~ Z Reading Challenge! I whole-heartedly agree with your mentality! :) Happy Reading, Jamie!

raidergirl3 said...

That is exactly the attitude ot have with reading challenges. And I think making the lists and planning the reads is just as much fun as the actual reading.