As 2007 approached I heard many saying that they had made a New Years Resolution. The usual...Weightloss! Improved finances! stop smoking! work less!
There is also the group that refuses to make these resolutions because they know that they will swerve off this new path and fall into the habits of old.
I must admit I often make resolutions with the best of intensions but somehow get distracted...LOL
This year I have planned out monthly goals instead.
It has been said and proven that changes can become habit once they are repeated daily for 28-30.
I plotted out each area of change I wanted to make...home....physical...creative and spiritual...then I wrote changes for each month.
I won't bore you with all at once...just monthly focuses like I will be doing.
January goals....Home - declutter/decorate diningroom
- daily chores
Physical - 8 glasses of water daily
Creative - crafting weekly
- one charity knitted piece
Spiritual - 2 affirmations for month (working on this)
- read 30 mins daily
book club book and fantasy are the monthly choices
This should be interesting.
Wish me luck.
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