Thursday, October 19, 2006

Questions answered

Shelby ,my SP9 hostess, has asked that we answer a few questions. As usual I am running late...but not too late!

1. Where is your favorite knitting spot?
I knit lots of the car waiting for my daughter from school, at work, but my all time favorite place is curled up in front of the TV watching a good movie, snuggled with a blanket and having a good cup of tea. Sigh!!

2. If you suddenly could never knit again (shudder) - what would you do instead?
God forbid that this should ever happen but I would just pick up one of my many other crafting projects. As long as I can create, I am happy.

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world - where would you go and why?
I would either travel the Southern States...big civil war sucker.
Or I would travel the British Isles. My grandmother's family came from there and I grew up with stories of knights and ladies fair.

4. When you were little - What did you want to do "when you grew up?" Are you doing it?
I wanted to be a teacher and most of all a mom. In a way I am both....because isn't a mom just a teacher who isn't paid???

5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
When I cheat and have ice cream...I LOVE tiger!! Yummo!!!!

List your favorite:

Actor -How can I chose...hmmmm
I like the old classy actors...Cary Grant, Clark Gable, and in that way I find Sean Connery falls in the same category.
Actress - Once to chose. I like things of Bette Davis, Vivian Leigh, Katherine Hepburn. Modern actresses...I like Sandra Bullock, Ashley Judd, and Julia Roberts
Animal - Puppies all the way
Band - Barenaked Ladies
Book - Harry Potter Series and Tin Flute
Bubble Bath - Absolutely! Oh you mean the kind...probably a floral scent...roses, jasmine
Candy - Chocolate and peanuts combined. I love the salty/sweet combo
Color - Red, red and oh did I mention red...LOL I also like oranges, rusts...anything vibrant.
Drink- Green tea frappacino or French vanilla cappacino
Flower - Carnation
Food - Shrimp or a good steak dinner
Lip Balm - Simple blistex
Lotion - Jergens
Movie - Gone with the Wind
Place- Home....I love the colors, the prairies, and the mountains. Nothing like having it all. As Dorothy said "there is no place like home."
Song - REO Speedwagon Can't Fight This Feeling
TV Show - Any CSI or Law and Order show. Kate and Allie
Yarn- Anything soft to the touch and colorful
Vacation Spot - Anywhere the motorcycle can run. Really like going thru countryside on the bike looking at the views and enjoying the company of my hubby.

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