Monday, May 02, 2005 9 & 10

Nothing really new to report.
Other than one day of yuck...the only change has been my menu.
I guess if that is the biggest thinking about what I am putting in my mouth...then it is all worth it.

I went to a movie on that was fun!
All those smells...yum. I am a junkfood junkie when watching movies...sigh.
I settled in with my bottle of water and a couple bites of my hubby's popcorn to tied me over.

Boredom is definitely setting in with this diet.
I am starting to miss the variety and flavors of food....guess 12 days is longer than I imagined...LOL
Only 2 days left...I can do it.

After the cleanse I am off on working the Dr. Phil way of thinking.
I began reading his book and am on chapter 2...emotional eating..boy is that me!
Stress, happy, sad, family get-to-gethers, lonliness, celebration, name it.
It is definitely a good read so far.

Also I am starting intentional exercise today....30 mins to start with.

Hopefully this will continue to be a positive experience.

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