Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sunday weigh in and quote

Knowing is not enough;
We must Apply.
Willing is not enough;
We must Do.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, novelist, and playwright

Its been a full week of conscious thought for health and did I do?

1. What is your current weight?
165lbs (166lbs)

2. What have you done well this week? What makes your proud of you?
This week I did intentional exercise 6 days this week...30 mins of cardio (either treadmill or exercise tape) and then my other exercises.
I am proud that I care enough for myself to keep my goal and put me first.

3. What could you be doing better or improving?
I need to be more conscious about what I am eating and drinking

4. What is your game plan for week 3?
I plan on doing intentional exercise everyday and increasing my water intake...aim for 8 - 8oz glasses each day

So now to move forward....

1 comment:

cindy said...

You Can Do It!!!!I've been on a diet for two years now and have lost 23 lbs. It's the best thing I could have done for myself.