My daughter's recent unit for social studies was China. What a hoot!
The teachers began the with a "flight" to China. The kids were met at the door of the school and had to "purchase" tickets for the flight...using their library cards as identification. Then they proceeded through security and kids with "suspicious items" in their backpack proceeded onto the local police to be questioned. Some understood the game and others where confused. But sooner or later all arrived safely on the "flight" in the library. They went to China, visited the sites and flew back home. It was a fantastic way to spark the curiosity of the students.
Just yesterday we went on a field trip to Chinatown.
We visited the museum and cultural center, ate at a local buffet and visited local shops asking questions and soaking in the culture.
Looking up at the center of the cultural centre we found a gorgeous sight to be seen. Bright colors, symbols, inlaid gold and animal representing the Chinese New Year.
Replicas of the Emperor's chariet and servants amazed the kids.
The grandeur of the emperor's life was shown in many of the artifacts.
Can you guess what this picture is made of?
On close inspection it was discovered that every single detail was created from feathers of types, sizes and colors.
They even taught the students some Tai Chi moves to use everyday.
The kids had a great time. I can't think of anything more fun than experiencing another culture. What better way to remember all than to actually live the experience.
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